Travelling has been good for Aiko as I finished knitting last night. By the time I landed in Newburgh Tuesday I was only about 12 rows shy of finishing, but with unpacking and all the chaos at home after an almost three week absense (two trips), I did not manage to pick it up again until yesterday evening.
Here are the two sleeves:
The light is not great for photographs and I can't go outside as it rains and rains..I am apparently supposed to be looking forward to a yucky sucky rainy week and weekend and it is COLD!! Maybe I better finish a nice warm wool sweater... who would have thought I would be craving cashmere for Memorial Day?
Last night was Tabasco's official LOVE ME night as she crawled up in my lap and clung to me with very sharp claws if I shifted position or God forbid, dared to get up and move around. Who can blame her? First I left for 10 days -- well, granted her dad was home, but he's not the same, and then after only two days back, we both left for another four days. The poor beast was affection-starved!!
Here she is rolling around at my feet after I finished Aiko and thought I would work on the last sleeve of Wine&Roses for a while:
Wine and Roses was not a successful project as it seemed to compete with catly attention demands too much. Since I had to keep searching for a new ball of yarn every row I kept shifting around and fidgeting. I now have numerous scratches and puncture wounds in my legs to pay for my crimes. I eventually had to give up and let my hands be content stroking downy soft cat fur. First things first, after all.
I left Wine&Roses on the blocking board when I left and shamefacedly I must admit it is still there waiting with baited breath for the long promised sleeves. Well I have 26 rows left and hope to finish them today or tomorrow, maybe Saturday as I have to go into NYC tomorrow evening. I will not take this project on the train. I can just see myself rumaging through my bag of multiple yarns searching for the next color, balls of yarn falling out of the bag and off my lap and rolling around on the train between everyone's legs. Its not goint to happen! As soon as I can get it done, however, I can block Aiko and get both projects FINISHED.