I lost the motivation to knit on the socks for a while, I was more eager to finish sweaters and life was just busy, busy, busy.
I finally succumbed to the lure of the sock. She has probably been singing her sock song for some time but I resisted mightily. Once she was in my hands though, the tune got louder and I am once again her slave progressing:
Instep survival, at least for me, seems to lie in not knitting for long stretches of time but rather picking up the sock and knitting here and there, while waiting for a fax to finish, in those little lulls while making dinner, for brief bits in front of the tele, waiting at the doctors or other places. I don’t think the sock would survive a long wait, at least not in instep stage, too tedious – but now that the toe is here, the mad knitting urge has once again been rekindled and I can’t keep my hands off her.
There may be more socks in my future after all.
It really hasn’t been a good knitting week. I only have a few rows on the front of Posh done and I have been otherwise occupied with other things. My little bits of sock knitting have helped considerably with general peace of mind in a hectic week however and it reminds me how often I at least need some calming thing to do with my hands while I wait (and wait and wait and... you know the drill), especially when life is particularly hectic or stressed and waiting seems like the most difficult thing to do.
I am also reminded of the refreshing and calming influence of just sitting down and let the hands do the work on a knitting project, allowing the mind a little time to do its own purling, flowing to its own little track. When I am tired I could plop in front of the tele and watch something but that seems to only deaden the mind and encourage me toward sloth; a little knitting on the other hand is refreshing and revitalizing. I am not really one to wax philosophical about knitting. It keeps me from fidgeting, it gives me something to do, knitting cannot bring world peace, although perhaps if more people knitted they would be distracted from other pursuits. Not likely to happen though.