The sock is making SLOW progress. I am working on the instep, having been working on the instep for what seems like forever, although I know it is not. This is a very long and boring period of sock knitting. I DID make great progress yesterday in the car as we went up to Sheffield for a concert. I am now close to finishing the instep decreases and soon will be able to pick up toward the toes – I am looking forward to the change, roughly 5 or 6 more tedious rows.
Although the sock opening is more or less circular it look more like a rectangle or square here. Actually it looks like the open jaws of some horrible knitted sucking beast that are going to clamp down on any errant hands or fingers that happen its way. Perhaps my mental comparison of the sock to some great-jawed beast is what is slowing its progress.
On the trip back from Sheffield, since I cannot work on tiny wool stitches on size 0 needles in a dark car on a bumpy road, I worked on this:
It’s a square for the John Glick Memorial Afghan project organized by Annie. The tweedy yarn does not show pattern really well, but it also looks kind of boring in plain knit, and I wanted to do something a little more special. This is a pattern called Brick Rib from the Harmony Guide, Volume 2, page 47. It is not all that stretchy and I think it will be fine when blocked. I think the block has an interesting textural quality combining the tweed and the odd rib stitch.
It is kind of strange making squares for a blanket for a person I never met, but no stranger actually than many other charitable endeavors that we all undertake. I have started reading Kerstin's and Annie’s blogs although I don’t correspond with them and don’t believe I have ever even commented on their blogs either. Still by reading their blogs I am acting as something of a participant, if not a voyeur, into part of their lives and submitted a square or two seems like the least I can do.
I may make another, I have one planned. I also need to finish the Phildar shell as I do not want to be working on it at Bard Music next weekend. I will have a lot of sitting time tomorrow as I wait around for George who is having some routine tests done at the hospital. If I get frustrated with Phildar I can work on block #2. I plan on sending one or both blocks off by the middle of the week.
Meanwhile much of today seems like it will be taken up with filling the trench I dug across the iris bed with gravel and a French Drain. I would like to get as much done as possible.