My darling George practiced a new skill today. Driving north on the Taconic Parkway he decided to practice steering with his knees. Embarrassing as it may be to admit to this, I did not at first notice that the car was going a little wonky. I was after all wrapped up in my knitting, and truth be told sometimes the car goes a little wonky when George is driving with his hands, depending on traffic, his attention span and the boredom factor of any particular stretch of road. This is why knitting is so important on car trips.
Anyway he got pretty good at it despite the curviness of the Taconic. I remember my dad steering with his knees while lighting a pipe when I was a kid. Sometimes the lucky child who was in the front seat would get to help steer. But that was a simpler time and the highways in Texas were much straighter than the ones in New York.
When George attracted my attention and eagerly showed off his newfound skills I was immediately struck by the potential here: If I could learn to drive with my knees, I could both drive and knit at the same time!
After a moment’s euphoria, sense returned. That said, I think driving will be best practiced with both hands on the wheel.