Terribly busy day, ending with a sore back, my own fault really, I was determined to do heavy work in the yard and finish digging out the soil in the new iris bed and sifting out all the rocks. I did manage to finish and so feel like I have accomplished something. I picked up the first load of topsoil and organic amendments and can add them in tomorrow. I will hopefully be finished and have some of the plants in by the end of the weekend.
I sat myself down in my chair after dinner and felt like knitting, but not the sock, just too tiny for my tired hands. I thought about going ahead with the next sleeve for Posh, even though I have not put the sweater together and checked the first sleeve. However, George found a missing bit of yarn and it may be just enough to finish the sleeves. I knew I had this bit and had wondered where it had got off too, I left it in his car in a fit of frustration. The only problem is that these two skeins fell apart the instant I pulled the end out of the center and they have been a mess ever since. I finally gave up, most of the way through each, and left an impossible tangle. I did intend to save it, despite abandoning it to the car, reasoning that I just might need the yarn. After an hours struggle this evening however, I had only managed to extricate a little over a yard of free yarn.
There is some stubborn part of me that does not want to order two $11 balls of yarn if I might already have enough. There is another part of me that feels that the struggle with the tangled balls is just not worth the effort. If I have to depend on that yarn the sweater will languish forever. George has volunteered that it is not worth the effort and he opts for buying more yarn. Usually this would have been my first thought, after all even at this fairly large gauge, a sweater takes a lot of time, but perhaps I am just feeling stubborn and frustrated and don't want to give in without a little bit of a fight. Since George is usually the frugal one however, perhaps he has a point, he is not caught up in the struggle.
Perhaps I will see if I can get the sweater basted together tomorrow before making a decision.