I am certain that there is a black hole in the back of the Hyde Park Post Office. It has sucked up my new Vogue Knitting and the Tuesday and Wednesday editions of the Wall Street Journal, along with whatever other mail I am not aware is missing. I have sent the lovely employees at the desk scurrying through the post-office looking for my missing mail, insisting that the paper usually comes every day, but no pile or bucket of hidden mail has been found.
Having heard that the new Vogue knitting is out, Liana got hers, I am desperate to have it. I saw it at Barnes and Noble yesterday when I stopped for a bathroom break and a sudden mad impulse to see if they had a copy of Benjamin Britten's Noye's Fludde in the music section. Fruitless I know, but the continued rain had me in mind of biblical disasters. Granted it did not rain much on Sunday and Monday, thank goodness, because we had 10 inches on Saturday, more than I ever recall on a single day. I think it did not rain as heavily yesterday, but I was thinking as I drove through the downpours, and splashed through the puddles, rivers, and lakes that had once been parking lots, that 40 days of this could be quite significant.
Meanwhile I did not buy the Vogue Knitting. I was certain it would be in mailbox waiting for me. No such luck. There was an InKnitters, which had a couple of interesting ideas, but did not satisfy my craving. If it does not appear by tomorrow, or at the latest, Saturday, I will have to venture out to the store, the craving will be too strong and my resolve will surely be broken.
Oh wait, I can’t go to the store on Saturday, I am going to the sheep and wool festival. Damn! Damn! Damn!. Adams has agreed to order my Old Chatham Sheepherding Company yogurt for me and it will come in on Friday afternoons so I can’t go grocery shopping till then. Well, I could make an extra drive up to Kingston. or I could just go later, after the sheep and wool festival. Tomorrow afternoon I am going in to NYC for dinner and a symphony concert. No shopping. I hope to be at the Rhinebeck Fairgrounds early Saturday. How did I get in this mess??? Well, who needs food anyway, and I have enough yogurt to get me through the weekend at any rate. It is my secret vice that yogurt.