• Purl:
    1. To knit with a reverse stitch. 2. Thread made of twisted gold or silver wire. 3. To flow with a curling or rippling motion as a shallow stream does over stones.

  • Random murmurings on knitting, with occasional digressions, by an oblivious dreamer who finds herself tripping through life. For more projects, check out my sewing blog as well.

  • I'm reading:

    Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
    Making Trousers for Men and Women: A Multimedia Sewing Workshop
    The Appeal

    Mardel Fehrenbach's favorite books »

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Sunday, October 22, 2006


I cannot imagine you EVER embarrassing me or anyone for that matter! You are the epitome of decorum. Well...that was that moment when that women threatened to buy "your yarn" that had me slightly worried...

It was such a treat to spend the day with all of you. I will bring practice roving to YC Thursday.

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