I have been worrying about when I will finish Mermaid. I am enjoying knitting it, but it has been a l.o.n.g time and as usual near the end of a project I am getting antsy for the next project to begin. I want it finished before Christmas and I was beginning to have doubts about my ability to do so.
But then yesterday changed all that.
The day started off quietly enough with a little shopping. I am in that fortunate position of being between wardrobes, at least as far as tops and sweaters are concerned. Most of my more recent tops are too big, but the older ones, from a few years ago are still just a tad too small and snug. Shopping was required.
And so I took myself off to the mall.
I used to go to the mall a fair bit when the "new" mall first opened. I suppose I am more jaded now; there is not all that much I am interested in, the interesting stores closed, and generally I think the local merchandise selection is often less than inspiring. I do better going down to Westchester, suburban New Jersey (preferably Short Hills) or NYC -- do I see an inclination toward upscale taste here? -- yes, it is true. Although often just say I'll just make it myself, and then I never get around to it, or it takes months, (like mermaid) and I might have been better off just buying something.
I do occasionally shop at Chico's, which is not at the mall, where I can sometimes find some nice country/suburban clothes. I don't like their travel wear and slinky collections, but that is because, unlike most people apparently, slinky looks awful on me in any size shape or color. Of the local Chico's, I like the Kingston store more than the Wappingers Falls store, even though Wappingers is bigger.
As I also tend to be fond of Banana Republic I thought it was time to head to the mall and check out the new store. Although I did make a few purchases, I am not convinced that Banana Repbulic alone will be enough to lure me to the local mall, although a shortage of beauty supplies might push me over the edge and even get me into the new Macy's, which so far has been a big dissapointment. It is more likely that my Banana Republic ventures will occur when I am traveling or trekking to the above mentioned shopping meccas.
I finished my shopping by noon and thought I had the afternoon to work on a few things. Then my cellphone rang...
It was a friend, all upset because her mom had been taken to the hospital and was being airlifted to Albany, where she was going to need some emergency surgery.
And so off to Albany I went. Luckily I had mermaid in the car. All that sitting around hospitals drinking bad coffee led to a fair amount of knitting and talking and I finished the first sleeve:
I have decided to sew it together rather than knit it together. I should seam it and set it in this weekend. If all goes well, I can start the next sleeve by Monday and I should have the sweater finished in time to wear it by Christmas Eve.
Oh yes; friend and mom are doing well. It was nice to be able to just sit and talk for a while, even under less than auspicious circumstances. Both of our lives had been too hectic the last few months and we had not put enough effort into trying to get together. By the time we had drunk too much coffee, eaten too much junk food, and talked for hours, her family and other friends arrived. This was about 7 or 8 at night and I headed home and promptly to bed, early for me, but I was just exhausted. My punishment was to be up and ready to face the day by 5 AM, much earlier than usual.
The shopping bags from Chico's and Banana Republic were tossed on the floor of my closet where they have remained. Will I unpack and play with clothes first? or work on mermaid? Probably mermaid. I know the clothes fit me and fit in my wardrobe, but I want to finish some ongoing projects. I want to wear some things that I have made myself. Anyone can go to the mall and plonk down a credit card. Wearing something you made yourself; now that has value.