• Purl:
    1. To knit with a reverse stitch. 2. Thread made of twisted gold or silver wire. 3. To flow with a curling or rippling motion as a shallow stream does over stones.

  • Random murmurings on knitting, with occasional digressions, by an oblivious dreamer who finds herself tripping through life. For more projects, check out my sewing blog as well.

  • I'm reading:

    Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
    Making Trousers for Men and Women: A Multimedia Sewing Workshop
    The Appeal

    Mardel Fehrenbach's favorite books »

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Monday, April 23, 2007


Your spreadsheet is gone? *gasp* *blink*
NO! I have so little stash, and yet, I would hate to have to go through cataloging again. You poor thing.

I giggled a bit over the back-and-forth and what-to-knit-next ponderings. So familiar. And I am sorry...I feel as if I enabled that Vittadini purchase.

I cannot believe you've been bitten by the Twisty Turns bug again. I will have to look away lest I get the bug again. Afterall, I think I was the one who enabled that purchase as well.

Oh, I'm so sorry about your lost spreadsheet. I hate that kind of thing. However, having a history with Corel (WordPerfect office, etc.) products and then switching to Excel, I can say that you would probably have some frustration trying to convert it from Quattro Proto to Excel. There are such good Excel spreadsheets out there for stash cataloging. I use the one from Katydid Knits. If you could find some likely candidates for that vest (I love that vest, btw), you could quickly plug in the vitals into the worksheet in her spreadsheet template that compares the yarn stats with the recommended yarn, and know right away if you have a likely yarn.

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