Well, my haphazard approach to knitting this sweater has not changed.
I rushed off to knitting group without doing the math and without measuring the row gauge on the pieces of the sweater I have already knitted. So I had to do it all at group with the aid of a cell phone and quick call home to get DH to tell me the total length of the sweater on the board. I knew the total number of rows in the sweater, so I could calculate from there.
I worked out that my row gauge is about 8.3 versus the 10 specified in the pattern.
Now I like the length of the sleeve as shown, and I had someone do a rough measurement of that sleeve on me, and think it was ok, or barely a half an inch longer than I would like.
I figured out I need to drop about 14 rows from the sweater. The next decision was how to do that without altering the layout of the stripes so that they match up properly with the sweater. I eventually decided to take it off the length of the body of the sleeve, dropping the lowest pink embroidered stripe.
It was suggested that I could also shorten the length by removing one of the rows of ruffles, and that three ruffles is a bit excessive. I agree that it is excessive, but I think I like the three ruffles, so they stayed in.
We will see how it works out, but I think this will be quite nice. The sleeve on me will be about the same length as the sleeve shown relative to my arm length, but the bottom of the sleeve will not line up so nicely with the bottom of the sweater since my torso is longer and my arms shorter than average. I am not quite sure how that will affect the appearance of the sweater when it is being worn, another good reason to think things out before starting.
Of course, I spent more time talking than knitting, so I have no idea how it will actually work out yet.
you have Gin and snacks at your knitting group night? I'm moving! Anything for sale in your neighborhood?
I can't wait to see this sweater, it's going to be gorgeous.
Posted by: Marji | Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 09:09 AM
Yeah...the gin and snacks are not good options for productive knitting.
Posted by: Gina | Tuesday, September 04, 2007 at 12:03 AM