I have made no progress on the UFO piles. Well, no that is not quite true -- I did hem some workout pants so that I can go to the gym decently clad now that I can no longer hide beneath my coat.
This may not look like much to some, but these are really just this year's UFOs. There
is at least another large box and drawer full hiding away and I really need to finish some of those as well, regardless of season. The psychic weight of the UFOs is stifling my creativity.
That said, and despite the fact that there are at least 4 unfinished current knitting projects, not counting the ones from last year, I am making good progress on a new sweater. The front and back are completed and have been blocked:
The yarn is Binario by Trendsetter and I am knitting it on US 9 needles, which yields a rather open lacy effect.
I had intended to start working on the pattern for a particular project today and I did pull the pattern out and start studying the pieces, thinking about cutting and potential alterations and starting the muslin. Then in a panic I realized I need to start something else as well so I grabbed some pretty cottons and washed, dried, and pressed them, so that now I am ready to start tomorrow. At least I hope I am ready. I haven't checked my notion supplies for over a year and really have no idea if I have everything I need, but I have faith, and I know I have thread.
Here are the fabrics I am going to start working on this week: