Well, I am done with the mindlessly boring section above the decreases. Even though it was only a few inches, it seemed like endless rounds of k3 p2. No distraction was enough to end the tedium.
Truthfully I hid in a corner and read over the weekend, when I could find a spare minute that is. Nothing like escaping into a little historical fiction to avoid the stresses of life and calm the overactive brain. I have been reading World Without End by Ken Follet and it has been easy enough to lose myself in it. The book is far more gripping escapism than Shanghai has been of late. But although I have a weakness for historical fiction, especially if it is set in the British Isles prior to 1800, and although I am loving this, it is not as dear to my heart as Pillars of the Earth was.
But back to Shanghai. It is looking good. And I have finally measured and calculated the increases, so we are getting back into fun knitting territory again. From the photo, 6 more inches to the armhole shaping, with increases...fun.
Looks very cute!
Posted by: Luni | Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 05:15 PM