I believe I implied the other day that there was nothing to show on the knitting front. That was not exactly true. Work on the Gedifra vest has been progressing well. I was just a bit cautious because I wanted to avoid excess ripping should there still be a problem with the gauge.
I didn't want to get very far on the front until I had the back on the blocking board and could confirm that the final measurements and gauge were still on target. Once I got the back blocked, I was more than ready to knit the front and it went quickly.
I am getting really excited about this project, although I am beginning to fret about the available yarn and fear that I may run out before the project is finished. I have 2 skeins left of the original 8. Each front piece seems to be bigger than half of the back, so I am thinking that I will need more than 1/4 of the original yarn. There are also two leftover bits from previous skeins, combined they weigh another 25 grams (each skein is 100 grams). I can also harvest another 25 grams of yarn from the two swatches, but the problem with this last 50 grams is that it is in four pieces so I might loose a little bit at the joins, unless I am really good with my spit-splicing. 250 grams ought to do it, don't you think?
I'm calling them Lemonade Wrist Warmers because I hate the term "arm cozies". The color isn't quite lemonade color, but that is the closest thing I can think of.
Isn't the gauge contrast wonderful?