Although there was a time when I thought that Linden was moving along quickly and I would have another finished object for this year, that time has long since passed and Linden has suffered the setbacks of L.I.F.E.
As you can see, I am very near the end of the right front, and then only the sleeves remain. But the year cannot be stretched long enough to accommodate the sleeves, and if I finish the front today or tomorrow will make little difference.
Perhaps this change in attitude has something to do with sloth. I feel I have been indulging in substantial slothfulness this winter, not the least because I seem to sleep all the time, move slowly, and barely resist the urge to scratch. Oh right, I am not a sloth, or a hibernating bear; it is just this cocktail of anti-histamines that I keep popping (all under doctor's supervision), and the hives and random joint swellings which keep occurring because Fosamax is not so easily expelled from the body, put something of a damper on my knitting speed.
The good news for 2009 is that after doubling my dosage of antihistamine A which caused me to sleep 14 hours a day, the new one, A prime, seems to have the opposite effect, leaving my brain wide-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to take on the world even when my body is dragging. Unfortunately the sleep-inducing effect of antihistamine B is not strong enough to counteract A prime. I am hoping that some New Year's Eve champagne will help usher in some end of the year sleep.
In the meantime, I love the texture of this pattern in this yarn. Fast or slow it is a good knit. Simple soul that I am, I love looking at it, feeling it, and yes, photographing it.
Tomorrow the best of 2008.