I posted the following meme on Dooney's world today. It was my last post.
The lovely and charming Materfamilias has bestowed me with the Premium Meme Award the rules of which are to "list 7 of your personality traits, as evidenced on your blog, and then pass the award on to 7 other blogs with notable personality." Truthfully, I am intrigued and puzzled by the meme, rather confounded by what I shall find, and indeed, if the things I see exposed in the blog are the same things that my readers see, as I don't think I have ever been particularly good at perceiving how others see me either here, or in real life, where I have less control over what parts of my personality are put n display. This is the part of my personality I would call oblivious, but I don't think it is particularly well displayed on my blog, or at least I hope not. So, here is my list: 1. Introspective. 2. Observant. 3. Sentimental. Not that I am particularly sentimental about things, but that I am interested in the sentiments and feelings that situations or events produce, sentimental in terms of being preoccupied with sentiments, feelings, and emotions. 4. Analytical, especially self-analytical. 5. Loquacious (sorry Mater, I am stealing this from you) as I tend to go on and on. 6. Superficial. 7. Self-contained. I was actually torn here between self-contained, introverted, or hidden, as aspects of all of these are in evidence on Dooney's world, and in my life. Although I attempt to be very honest about the things I write about, one gets a very limited view of a life through this blog, and yet one also gets a pretty complete view of certain aspects of this life. I don't believe the character traits that were evidenced on Dooney's World were the same traits in view here or at SewDistracted, but I could be wrong. Since I am in blog transition, I feel that my answers are somewhat inconsistent. I am supposed to pass this meme on to 7 other bloggers but it isn't going to happen. I have been rather absent from blog land of late and I am reluctant to foist a meme on someone whose blog I have been rather erratic at following. The truth is that my unsettled feelings about my own blogs have spilled over into my blog reading, my thoughts running something like: "how can I comment and participate when I don't even know what I am doing." Now of course I also think "who should I send the meme to", since many blogs I used to read, and will read again, would not recognize this place. Obviously, I still think to much.
I am a believer that things happen for a reason. Perhaps this is just good timing, you are pulling the blogs into a whole, and being prompted for those personality traits that are, maybe, common and worth following on the one blog that remains? Who knows, it's all fun. No obligations, don't make too much of it. Glad you are back. K
Posted by: karent | Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 08:23 PM
I've already posted over at Dooney's World, but I have to add here that this is an interesting question you pose -- I have two blogs right now and I'm not at all sure that my personality is manifest the same way on both of them.
Don't worry about passing on the meme -- blogging without obligations, remember?!
Posted by: materfamilias | Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 05:13 PM