There has been regular knitting.
The chair situation has been at least temporarily resolved; permanent resolution will require the acquisition of a new chair, which, although necessary, ranks behind a new front walk and some front yard landscaping.
I have finished the body of ruby bubbles and hope to have it on the blocking board in the next day or two. I need to wind another skein of yarn into a ball so I can start the sleeves, but I should be able to manage that, either today or tonight at knitting. You should be getting pictures of the blocking sweater shortly.
The second of the blue socks is nearly complete and will be finished today or tomorrow. I had a minor setback in that I somehow messed up the short-row sequencing on the heel and had to rip it out and do it again. I did the first half of the heel without a hitch, the short rows in toward the point of the heel, and had knit a normal row, picking up the wraps, following the technique for the boomerang heel and was ready to start knitting short rows back out toward the foot.
The plan was to go to bed at that point, but a piece of furniture had fallen on my big toe earlier in the day and it was throbbing rather uncomfortably, rendering me unable to fall asleep, so I stayed up to knit some morel. I ended up falling asleep in my chair just as I finished the heel, or so I thought.
Actually, rather than knitting short rows in and then back out again, forming a heel, I had knit short rows in, knit my even rows and then knit short rows in a second time, creating an interesting structure that had nothing to do with the shape of a human foot. Luckily it was rather easily ripped and reknit.
I am happy the socks are nearly done as I have had my issues with this yarn and these socks. Even though I am satisfied with how they are turning out, I would rather knit something a bit more interesting, either with a pretty yarn or an interesting pattern. And I might even want to play with structural knitting using short rows to create interesting textures, but not until I get a little more caught up with the various WIPs and UFOs.