Another month, another blog post. Not my intent, but hey.
The photo above was taken at the very end of June, when I finished knitting the first part of this scarf, which I had in fact been quite obsessed with for a week. I momentarily had hopes that this would be a two-week project, but I was distracted by other things after that first, almost-compulsive push, where I wanted to do nothing but knit and had to force myself away. I probably spent less time in the actual knitting with the second part though, you know, being more familiar with the pattern and the design and all. In this pattern two pieces are knit and kept live. Then they are joined together.
It was really an incredibly fun knit, and terribly addictive as well. There wasn't anything particularly difficult, German short rows, perhaps, if you have not done them before, but mostly the challenge, and the fun was in the layout of the pattern. I actually finished knitting it and got it blocked on Saturday, so you will be seeing a final post on this soon, where I will go into the details.
While I was knitting this project I also started going to a knitting afternoon/night at my local yarn shop, which I am really enjoying. I finished up the knitting of the New Orleans cardigan from my last post there, and I had already finished the first piece of this scarf before I got back. I realized pretty quickly that, fun as this pattern is, it is not a good knitting group project as you do have to pay attention to your counts and your place in the pattern. I can be far too easily distracted.
So another wrap was born. I have the two blankets at home, but somehow I didn't feel like carrying either of them around with me in the 90 degree heat, even the short distance from car to yarn shop. I also had this bulky weight but fairly lightly-plied cotton which was originally intended to be a cardigan, a cardigan I neither feel like knitting or wearing. So I decided to knit a wrap. I like the weight and drape of the fabric being created by the seed stitch on size 10 needles. Now that I have a nice sized piece of knitted fabric, I can see that it would indeed make a lovely cardigan, but I think I will get far more use and joy out of the wrap.
More later.