All in all, 2021 was a good year for knitting, certainly the most productive I've had in quite a few years. I finished eleven projects, only 4 more than in 2020, but that makes this the most productive year since moving to Knoxville at the end of 2011. In 2011 I completed 12 projects. Part of me wants to say here's to beating that, but really it is not about the number of things I knit but rather the process of purposeful making. Sometimes, however, I have been known to miscalculate.
More specifically, I knit:
1. Four objects for the home, of which two were deconstructed from one larger blanket, reassembled and partially reknit. Both were given away.
2. Three cardigans
3. Three scarves
4. One hat.
Two of the scarves, and one of the household objects, a thick wool hot pad for use with a rectangular baking dish, were constructed out of remnants and left-over bits of yarn. Somehow this makes them feel like bonuses, almost like creating something from nothing, even though I know this is not quite true.
My plans were admittedly more ambitious. I planned to finish more garments, at least one if not two blankets, catalog my yarn stash and make significant inroads to the UFO pile. None of that happened. I also bought more yarn than I actually knit. I don't know how much yarn exactly, although I see it piled up in a basket in by my television chair. At least I only bought enough extra yarn that it still fits in that basket. I didn't catalog the yarn as it came in, although that was my intention. Cataloging fell by the wayside. I did catalog yarn as I started projects however, so I know that I knit 47.25 skeins. I am happy with that.
l already know I want to finish at least one blanket in 2022, fully aware that bigger projects also mean fewer finished objects. But as I said who cares. Most of us, at least most of us who read this blog, really are not in need of anything much, myself included. I can buy a blanket or a sweater if I need one. I would rather knit.
All I ask of 2022 is that I take the opportunity to seize onto what makes me happy.